Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Now that's more like it!!!

So, last week's Glee was rather lame.  The more I thought about it the more I disliked it.  And then, no Chuck again (but it's back next week!), so I thought this week would be just sad and depressing TV-wise, and compound that with the end of the semester and you've got a not so fun week.  But I was pleasantly surprised with this week's Glee...it was WONDERFUL!

Although I personally believe that Madonna is not the greatest role model for girls I really dug the feminist vibe of the show (there's a few people I work with that I'd like to share that little message with, but I digress.)  I absolutely LOVED that Mercedes and Kurt joined the Cheerios.  I've been so sad that they haven't been showcased as leads like Finn and Rachel have.  Me and my "Mormon values" were sad with the why and the how Finn lost his virginity, but it was to be expected...and man, they really need to get Santana a solo, that girl can wail!  I'm not completely sold on Jesse (just like Shaw in Chuck, I can't wait till they get rid of him...I want more than a glossed over relationship for Finn and Rachel!!!!!!!!) but that's a given cuz we all know he's evil.  I have to be honest, I was not at all expecting Jesse to switch schools...poor Finn!  (And poor New Directions...but, its a show, so it's ok!)  I loved Sue's rendition of "Vogue"...and when she added her name and then put "Will Schuster, I hate you" followed by the confused look from Kurt: PRICELESS!!!

So, Glee thank you for redeeming yourself!

On an unrelated note, I recently got myself a bit of a BtVS almost convert in the form of my roommate's fiancée.  Also, I saw How to Train Your Dragon and loved it...and want to see it again and again!




  1. You had it right that was an amazing episode that they put on, now the only question is why such the big twist?

  2. I don't think Finn lost it, did he? I thought he backed out of it at the last minute. Maybe I'm remembering it wrong...
