Saturday, January 30, 2010

And with's over!

I was happy with the series finale with Dollhouse.  I'm glad I was too, because I had to suffer through an excruciatingly long feeling shift at work with an extremely attractive guy flirting with me while talking about his fiancĂ©e...yeah, fun stuff!

It's too bad that we couldn't see more detail.  I was sad that Paul died (even though I didn't always like him), it was weird to see an almost sane Alpha (but so totally cool when he started beating up the bad guys), I felt soooo bad for Echo being all alone (thanks for the package Alpha!), and the whole lesbian-y Felicia Day...yeah, not gonna lie, I'm a little homophobic, so that was weird (says the girl who has seen every episode of BtVS far too many times).

I think they did an absolutely INCREDIBLE job with Topher.  He's my favorite character.  He changed and grew the most over the course of the show, he developed a sense of morality, we saw him fall adorably in love, and he was just so freaking cute!!!  I was so happy when he said "bed time!"  K, that was awesome!!!  And when he was watching the video of Bennett...yeah, I got one of those giddy, girly grins.  And they did a great job at making him crazy and malnourished could totally imagine him having to watch someone be killed everyday on top of the already crazy, brokenness he was after Bennett was killed and his tech went crazy and destroyed most of the world.  And then it was him, Topher, the originally least moral guy ever, who saved the world (loved his reaction to the remembrance wall).

Yeah...I'm gonna miss the Dollhouse!


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The kind of news that makes you smile!

K, so I was just sidereeling and I came across something that made me a little more than grin!

So apparently they were working on Spiderman 4 and they couldn't come up with who the villain should be, so they scrapped it and decided for a reboot of the Spiderman 'verse...focusing on high school Peter Parker. Good news? No more Tobey Maguire or Kirsten Dunst (playing roles that should soooo not belong to them). It made me smile.

Here's the article...Enjoy!


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Yay!...I mean ok..wait, huh?

So, everyone pretty much knows I'm a big Joss Whedon fan. No surprise there. But one thing that may come as a bit of a surprise (and one thing I unfortunately have to remind myself of sometimes) is that he does some really weird things...that are just WEIRD! Last night's Dollhouse for example: weird!

Seeing Topher 2.0 in Victor again was pretty funny, but huh? And Mellie killing herself...the fact that Paul is all of the sudden in love with her again and not with Echo is still really weird, but come on! And probably the oddest thing: Boyd!!! Really, you make the guy that everyone likes into a seriously deranged psycho?! He played crazy pretty well, but it was just weird. And then he goes and blows himself up...k, dolls aren't like innocent children, they're directionless thoughtless empty shells of human bodies...but that was still weird.

I still like Dollhouse, and yeah, even liked the episode, but it was a little too dramatic, and too odd for my taste. oh well, it's almost over. I just hope the final episode is awesome!


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

100!! Awesome!

K, I love Rachel Bilson, I love music, I love television, and I LOVE the 100th episode of HIMYM!!!! If you haven't seen it, you should...because it is awesome!

So, yeah, Rachel Bilson guest starred. I was very excited when I saw that. She wasn't exactly the "mother", but close second: she was "mother's" roommate!

As for the music...I loved Neil Patrick Harris in Dr. Horrible and it was fun to see him in a big musical number all about, wait for it...SUITS!!!

Yeah, it was awesome! Be sure to watch it!


Monday, January 11, 2010

"No more Mr. Nice Spy" is totally right!!!

So, I have long awaited the return of Chuck. When it was about to be canceled I signed petitions, sent emails, and got "Save Chuck" pieces of flair on facebook. I love the show and didn't want to see it go! (Plus...he does kung-fu now, but I've loved it since episode 1!!) I'm so glad it's just blows every show I watch completely out of the water!!! So, after almost a week of being sicker than I'd like, I got to be treated with a double dose of super Chuck! (And tonight, I get another 42ish minutes of Chuck flavored goodness to watch! sweet!)

So yeah, it was good to get to see Mr. Bartowski in training. I felt bad for him because we all know that he's a better intersect when he's allowed to use his emotions (as was obviously apparent in the fact that he was better at using the intersect when around Sarah.) I felt bad when we saw him dressed up as homeless grandpa eating cheese ball after cheese ball. But it was awesome getting to see him all intersect-y in action. When he started boxing with Casey I couldn't help but smile...finally Casey is allowed to spar with the guy he thinks is a total waste of skin.

I love this pic! It's one of the many (that were awesome) in Chuck vs. the Suburbs

I wasn't too happy about the Sarah stuff. As I'm sure most Chuck fans would agree, the two of them belong together. So unfortunate! His little locked-in-the-vault monologue was just so sweet. And I must say that the lighting and the angles and stuff when they were on the train platform (as well as the costumes and the dialog and everything) was absolutely GORGEOUS!!! It didn't exactly feel like Chuck lighting and stuff (a little more vintage, kind of like Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow) but it was beautiful!

K, so another episode tonight...Man it's good to have my favorite show back on the air. And if you thought I liked Glee, you seriously haven't seen me love a show (besides maybe Buffy) till you've seen how much I ADORE Chuck!!!


Saturday, January 9, 2010

"Getting Closer"...starting to see the end!

Ok, so last night's Dollhouse was pretty cool! It's sad that the series is ending, but I have to admit that I'm way excited to see how it does! Here are a few things I liked about last night's episode:

Yup, this is Topher when he was crazy in Epitaph One

Topher and Bennett: Has there ever been a cuter couple in the history of television? I just absolutely LOVE the two of them and the way they are together! I got so excited when he kissed her (I actually smiled really big and then had a coughing fit due to the seriously annoying illness plaguing me...yuck!) They were just so sweet. It made me really want to be a crazy genius person just so I could be like one of cute. And then, typical Joss, you fall in love with a situation/character and he rips it away fairly gruesomely and doesn't give you enough time to actually process what the heck just happened! Why Joss, why?! At least with Buffy the only people you killed were Buffy (who came back) and Tara (who no one really liked anyway)..and then of course *sob* Anya...that was sudden and painful. And then he had to go and kill Book and Wash in Serenity...oh Joss, the pain you put your viewers through (I mean, really, couldn't you have killed off Kennedy and Dawn at some point? Seriously, man...seriously!!!) So yeah, if you haven't seen it yet, he killed adorable, nerdy, geeky, slightly evil (but way too cute and the love interest of the one and only lovable Topher) Bennett. Yeah...the man sure loves torturing his viewers! And with this we begin to get a glimpse into why and how Topher goes crazy. If I smiled when they kissed I almost cried when she died! Topher was so happy! So sad!

Echo and Paul: So we found out what they got rid of in Paul's mind: His feelings for Echo. This made me way sad. He still likes Mellie, but now he and Echo...nothing?! So he kills Bennett after making us like her and then he takes the feelings from Paul's last three months and erases them? It feels like in Angel season 1 when he sent Buffy to LA and Angel becomes mortal and he and Buffy get all lovey-dovey but then things end up bad so he goes to the oracles and gets the day rewound and erased for everyone but himself...yeah, it's kinda like that. Frustrating! Poor Echo!

Finally, Boyd?!?!?!?! (and Claire/Whiskey): Ok, honestly...Joss Whedon can be rather frustrating! His shows are good (when he has control...and I know, I know, the fact that I say that means I'm a delusional, brain-washed Whendon fanatic...oh well) and all, but all the plot twists and stuff are surprisingly frustrating! I love Boyd!!! But it was already weird enough to find out he'd been hiding Claire/Whiskey and macking on her and stuff and then we find out he's the co-founder of Rossum?!?!?!?! Frustrating!! Mostly cuz I have to wait till next Friday and then the next to see how it all pans out! GAH!!! I don't think Boyd is bad even though he pretty much had Claire/Whiskey kill off a potentially favorite character of mine and make another favorite character start on the road to crazy town. I still don't think he's the evil, big bad! Call me naive and say I have the inability to understand all you want, but seriously, I don't think Boyd is evil...I may be proven wrong, but I doubt it! (k, he's probably a little evil...I just really like the guy!!!) And anyway...the whole him coming from law enforcement and having this dark past and stuff but then suddenly knowing what's best for everyone sure makes a lot more sense...I kind of like how no one really knows who he's pretty cool!

So yeah, I know a lot of people really don't like the show and a lot of people really don't like Eliza Dushku and her acting and the fact that she's the lead, but I love it! I'm excited for the ending and excited for what Joss is going to be doing next!

On an unrelated note, be sure to watch Chuck. Tomorrow there's a two hour special and another episode is airing on Monday! Woohoo! Watch Chuck, love Chuck, and hope that it'll become a megahit and get a season 4!!!


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Fun things to read, see, and check out

K, so I was just kind of browsing all my favorite TV info spots and I came across a few things that interested me:

First: An unaired season 1 episode of Fringe is being aired three days before the next episode of this season. In it a teenage girl dies only to wake up as doctors are removing her organs and is now able to speak Russian and know highly classified information. The article alludes to the idea that this could somehow take place in an alternate universe, but it doesn't for sure say anything, so who knows. (J.J. Abrams and his alternate realities...what are we going to do with him?) The original article can be found here.

Second: I found an interview with Adam Baldwin about season 3 of Chuck. There were a couple of things that interested me on this one. First of all, I had no idea he was in My Bodyguard and Independence Day. (Now, I've only seen My Bodyguard once and I haven't seen Independence Day for a long long time...and both of those I haven't seen since I've known who he is, but...) Secondly he said something that just made me happy. He talked about how a lot of the Firefly fans have crossed over to Chuck...yeah, happy! That interview can be found here.

Third: While reading the interview with Adam Baldwin I came across this interview with George Lucas...he's pretty awesome, so I decided to share it! (I couldn't get the copy I wanted to work, the full interview can be found here.)


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

What I did over Christmas break

So today I had the first day of my 20th century art and architectural history class and we went around the class and had to say our name, major, and something interesting about us. The only thing I was able to think of that could in anyway be remotely interesting about me was that I blog about television. I didn't say it, mostly because I know I'm more interesting than that, also I didn't want my class thinking I was completely pathetic on the first day of class.

Well, this break was interesting due to the fact that I didn't really watch anything new until the third to last day of the break, but the one thing that I did watch...AMAZING!

So, I'm a fan of J.J. Abrams (my top ten things I'm thankful for in television says so) and I started watching Fringe. I had seen parts of a few episodes of season 1 when my friend and I would hang out and watch a little TV before we studied on Tuesdays, but due to the fact that it freaked her out we ended up watching Privileged and 90210 instead (yeah...I know.) So I started watching it with my 7 and 10 year old brothers and it was sooo good! I ended up finishing all of season 1 before school started today. Yeah, the show is just that good! Hahaha, no but really, even though it's not my fastest time going through a season of television, I kind of couldn't stop watching. I get that way, especially with J.J. Abrams (Alias anyone?)

So yeah, if I were in a class that required me to write a paper about what I did over the break (the kind of class I haven't been in since I was at least a Junior in high school) I'd write about finally getting my ears pierced, working a little on my book, a couple other things, but I'd probably mostly write about Fringe...cuz it's awesome!
