Monday, March 22, 2010

Concern, Obsession, Confession

Sorry (Davis) that I haven't been here for a while.  School has piled up and although that doesn't really slow down my TV watching (ok, it does...but not much, and I only eliminate the unnecessary shows), it does slow down the blogging about it quite a bit!

There are three things I'd really like to mention before I have to jet off to class: a concern, an obsession, and a confession.


I've been worried as I watch Caprica.  First of all, it doesn't feel BSG at all (which isn't entirely bad) but I'm worried about Zoe and Tamara.  They seem to be getting so dark so fast!  I want Zoe to tell her dad...I understand why she doesn't want to, but I think it'd be a good move for her as a person to accept her humanity, and I'm sorry, but a BSG spin-off with only one Cylon is kind of ridiculous!!!  If she makes herself known it'd be easy to make more Cylons: either make more avatars to go with that chip thing or clone Zoe and stuff (probably the first since later they need the help of the skin jobs for resurrection and stuff).  Also...Zoe, PLEASE START ACTUALLY FALLING FOR THE CUTE GEEK THAT WORKS FOR YOUR DAD!!!!!!!!  (Ok, just a personal wish/desire/fantasy of mine: that she FINALLY gets together with him...and one that I won't dwell over too much!)  And from this last episode, this whole Tamara thing is starting to get that crazy, creepy, occult feeling!  It kind of sent shivers down my spine when I saw all those "T"s on the wall.  Yikes!

K, I've got just a few minutes to finish this and I've still got formatting to do and pics to add and two more things to write about...ready Go!


CHUCK!!!  I love it, love it, love it, love it, love it, LOVE IT!!!!!  Now, I believe that for shows on the air Glee and Chuck are my absolute favorites...and if you ask me to choose a number one I'm not so sure I could!  I'm just grateful that so far they haven't been on at the same time so I don't have to choose.

Now, Chuck is a smart dramedy and that's why I LOVE it!!!  It has a good balance of everything: action, comedy, drama, sci-fi, etc. etc.  I don't like shows that are too intense and I don't love shows that don't balance their comedy.  Add to that my adoration for action and sci-fi and you've got my number one show (Glee's got the music, comedy, and high school drama...that's why...but I'm getting off track)  Well, the episode that aired week before last (Chuck vs. the Beard) was AMAZING!!!!!  This season has felt a little off what with the new intersect and the increase in ratings (plus the suddenly new "Superman"y drama...I say that in regards to the fact that Shaw played Superman, not that it's Superman type track again!  dang it!!!)  Well, I was guessing from the title that either Chuck and Morgan's friendship would end, or that he'd finally get in on the secret Awesome style...and I was right on both regards!!!!  It's been a long time since I've squealed with delight with Chuck, but last quarter of this ep I was nearly jumping up and down cheering (not that I've never done that before with TV, but I managed to maintain composure and only did the jumping on the inside...the cheering was audible and I think I freak my roommates out.)  But yes, when he finally told Morgan everything, and Morgan's reaction was perfect, and the he came from the smoke all secret agent style and called Sarah, Agent Walker, and his convo with Awesome (or was that last week?)  but yeah....legendary episode!!!

Last week's wasn't bad...the whole Casey being with the Ring because he was protecting the woman he loved and then finding out he had a daughter (and he went all Casey and wouldn't do anything about it) and then getting was awesome, don't get me wrong, it was just really sad.  (There have been too many sad episodes of Chuck!!!) Yes, that's my obsession: Chuck!!!


I've been watching Modern Family....and I LOVE it!!!  I really didn't think I'd like it all that much due to my personal aversion to the gay life style (don't hate me, judge me, or whatever...I love the people, freaked out by the life choices, but still love the people!) But it's been great!  I love the family dynamics and the love that each family member has for the others!  Plus it's funny, a great ( in not 42+ minute) distraction, and it takes no brain power to watch at all (which during the school year is my kind of show).  That's not to say that it's not sometimes smart...ok, not too often, but still.  It's a great show, just the right amount of dumb.  There are a few things that bug me about it and I thought the grandpa would be one of them, but he's not at all!!!  That little family with him, Gloria, and Manny is the BEST!!  No, it's the dad.  He's kind of a wannabe Michael Scott, but the version where he actually got married and had kids.  Yeah, I think above all, the dad bugs me bad!  The gayness freaks me out, but I love the dynamic between (ok, all names are lost on me now)...them.  How the one tries to act straight and the other embraces all gay stereotypes...great fun!

So, that's basically all I have time for...I will try to post more often, and I promise I will if and when I have more readers, but until then, I'm afraid school work takes precedence.  (Sorry Davis!  Love you tho!)


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