Monday, February 1, 2010

Chuck vs. the sad spy-ness

So tonights episode of Chuck made me frown.  I loved it, don't get me wrong, and every totally awesome show needs some sad parts, but I was right there with Sarah looking at the screen with Chuck on it and wishing he could go back to being not a spy.

When I talk to friends about this season of Chuck they all have one concern: that the show will change due to the new intersect.  I do think the show is changing, but not cuz of the intersect.  The change is good...and rather inevitable.  Chuck couldn't always "wait in the car".  He needed to become self-reliant at some point, I was just hoping that it wouldn't end up so sad.

Well, the episode hasn't actually officially aired yet, so I'm gonna stop myself now (and yes, I am momentarily deluded enough to think that my writing any more would be cause for premature spoilers...I can pretend that my blog gets read by the masses even though I know it doesn't...what of it!)  So, enjoy Chuck's good, but if you're a big fan, you will be sad at the end.

Also, if you're at all into shows like Gilmore Girls (the more family-type side of teen drama...y'know, the stuff that you aren't completely ashamed of admitting to the fact that you watch it, but a tiny part of you says you probably should be), the CW's new show, Life UneXpected, is actually pretty good so far.  I've seen the last two episodes and am looking forward to tonight's.

So, happy TV watching!  And I absolutely adore any and all of my readers...however nonexistent they may be.


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