Friday, February 5, 2010

A Fringe Rant

K, last night's Fringe...whoa!  The sparks that were flying between Olivia and Peter...I was nearly crawling out of my skin!!!!!  And then....Oh my goodness!!!  In a few words: I loved and hated last night's episode!!!  I want Peter and Olivia to get together so darn badly, and now it seems like that's never gonna happen!!!!  So sad!!!  Why does Peter have to be from an alternate universe?!?!  It's so saddening!!!  I like the whole him being from another dimension/reality/universe/whatever thingy, but it's just so sad!  Can Olivia ever fall in love with him now?  And how long is it gonna be before Peter learns the ever increasingly common knowledge-y piece of information?  It's just so frustrating...But what did I expect?  It's J.J. I should've seen this crazy-making frustration coming (and I have to admit that I kinda did).  Yeah, so if you haven't seen the latest episode of Fringe you really should (and you probably should've before you started reading this.)  Oh, one more question: WHY DIDN'T THEY JUST KISS!!!!!  GAH!!!  KISS ALREADY PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!  grrrrrrrrr!!!  Ok, so I think I'm done...maybe...I'm done with this blog posting rant right now.  (I'll probably go on and rant some more somewhere else later.) long!


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