Thursday, December 3, 2009


When I get stressed I do probably the worst thing possible! I start a new series. If I hate it then it's the perfect solution: I get my fix and don't end up wasting too much time. When I love it...well, then there's a problem, and I currently have a problem.

I am Amanda, and I'm a television junkie. It's a sad state of affairs. Now granted, I do have standards, but times of stress are probably my biggest weakness to the alluring nature of the one-eyed monster. I have recently discovered (during a time that I should be focusing on all things educationally musical) the joys, the pleasures, nay, the insane AWESOMENESS that is How I Met Your Mother.

I started watching it for who knows what reason, but I had heard from multiple sources that it is "legen-wait-for-it-dary"! And it is....oh yes, it is! I knew I'd love Alyson Hannigan and Neil Patrick Harris from what I had seen of them (mostly through the Whedonverse), but it's even better than them! It's a sitcom with a laugh track that I actually enjoy! It's amazing!'s awesome!

Well, I just wanted to share that little insight of my life with you. I love How I Met Your Mother. I can't wait to see all of it! (Just learned what a "slap bet" is....awesome!) That's all, gotta get back to Quando Men Vo and Beethoven's 6th Symphony...wish me luck!


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