Saturday, December 12, 2009

K, Joss is doing this right!

So he says that Dollhouse won't live on in any other media forms cuz he's said all he needs to say, but still, that's too bad. Finally, after it's gotten cut, he gets to take his show in the directions that he wants and do what he wants (something that if he had done this on a cable network would've most likely have happened from the beginning, but who knows.)

I just finished watching the latest episodes and oh my goodness!!! Yeah, there were things that weren't my favorite, but when you have to push all you wanted to do and say over the course of seasons into just a few episodes, that sort of ends up being the case.

The second episode, "A Love Supreme", was amazing! I'm glad they got to air the two together because the first one was a little frustrating and felt too stand-alone. I loved the training scene with Echo and Paul. I also loved that Paul was the one that Alpha was actually after and that he imprinted himself with Paul. I loved pretty much all of it!!!!! Awesome!

For some reason it all felt Buffy-y in a way. I'm not saying that Echo acted like Faith, cuz there is no way she did, she was Echo, and I'm not saying that it felt full of girl-power-y vampire-slayage. No,it was the intense emotion, the fact that Paul kept himself at a distance with Echo even thought it was highly apparent that feelings were mutual between them, the high action, the scene with Alpha and Echo fighting, the absolute can't-go-on desperation when she heard Paul's voice. All that, to me, felt reminiscent of my favorite show in the whole world! And of the parts of Buffy that it did feel like, I kept getting reminded of season five when Tara is crazy, Dawn is a pain, but needs protection more than anything, the unrequited love of Spike for Buffy, Buffy going catatonic, the Winnebago, yeah, the end of season five (after a few times watching it tho, it's so incredibly dumb and frustrating the first time through). It was also a little like the last two episodes of season seven in that way, highly intense, highly emotional, you get to know the characters better in those episodes than at any other time in the show...(k, thought: those were both series finale set-ups...duh Amanda...silly me, that's why it feels like Buffy! Oh wow, took me long enough to figure that out!) but yeah, that's what it felt like...pure Joss!

Well, can't wait for next week...and now I really want to crack open my Buffy DVDs again and remember why that show is pretty much always number one! But alas, I now have to go to work...too bad! hahahaha...Well, let's enjoy this awesome end to Dollhouse!


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