Thursday, November 19, 2009

Last Night's Glee? Best episode yet!!!

Ok, I totally adore Glee! This season it has become my favorite show on the air (I'm hoping that changes come January for Chuck's sake). I'm not a fan because of the storyline or the acting, or the writing, or really anything but the music, and boy do I love the music.

Emma and Rachel in reaction to Schuester's performance (after it I was applauding all starry eyed right with them!)

Now when I say I am not a fan because of those things, it is not to say that I don't enjoy them, I do as a matter of fact. I love the characters, regardless of their inconsistency and lack of true development, I love the stories, no matter how incredibly cheesy they are. I freaking love the show and everything about it! But last night...oh, that love of Glee just grew! (Which is rather amazing because I just found out that Joss is directing an episode and it's his new fave that grew my adoration, but this is even more!)

Schue and Suzy I the only one who was not expecting that flashback to have happened so recently?

So, why was this latest episode my favorite you ask? Well, I'll tell you (surprising, I know..since this whole blog makes a point of me being able to spout off my opinion). Glee has a tendency to be far fetched, overly musical-y, etc. etc., but last night's episode...yeah, it had all that: Suzy Pepper (cheesy name for CRAZY girl), the transitional musical number from stage to bedroom in front of an ultrasound performed by Finn...but in additions to all that Glee trademarked cheesiness it was an amazing episode. It was amazing because of how real it WAS high school. As a singer it might be a little more like high school for me, because I've personally done the whole "sing your true feelings" thing trying to get someone to really understand what I'm unable to say, but it's also just normal high school, with the scary teen pregnancy that makes lives crumble apart, the good, good kids getting kicked out of the house and having nowhere to go, the incredibly understanding, chill mom (who just breaks down, but isn't afraid to love her kid), the creepy student-to-teacher crushes (that really freak people out), the fact that the kids want to help each other and build each other up in hard times (even though the adults believe them to be good for nothing), the threats from teacher's spouses to the creepy stalker students, guys trying to turn their dream guys gay when they get the chance to try, I could go on and on and was high school. It was real, emotional, angst-y, hormonal, intense, funny, sad, scary, intimidating, humble, proud, brave, stupid high school. (And not just dramatic, angst-y and overly adult, i.e. not like high school, like Gossip Girl, Dawson's Creek, The OC, One Tree Hill, 90210, Melrose Place...I think you get my point.) And that's why I found it amazing! It was more realistic and heart wrenching than any episode so far. And, besides the awesome reality of it, Schuester's "Don't Stand so Close to Me"/"Young Girl" mash-up was hot, I also couldn't stop cracking up with the Ballad/duck joke (I think I found that far too hilarious!!!), and Schue's facial expression during "Endless Love" was FANTASTIC!!

Schuester and Rachel singing "Endless Love"...bahahaha...LOVED it!!!

Ok, I think I'll stop before I hyperventilate with excitement (and before I stop making any sense whatsoever), but this week's Glee was great and has renewed my faith in what this show can be.

Can't wait till next week!

***Call yourself a "gleek" and don't yet have the music?!?! Hurry and buy it from iTunes (before all the "cool kids" start doing it!)***

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