Thursday, June 24, 2010

Smallville Season 9? Epic!

So, I had forgotten I really did love Smallville!  Season 9 was amazing (as I have now seen it all!!!)  And there are just a few things I'd like to say about how absolutely awesome it was.

1. Lois and Clark are finally Lois and Clark!!!

2. JSA was so cool (did you see Green Lantern's lantern and ring?!  I sure did...about had a fit too!)

3. Chloe and Ollie!!!  (I think I like that match A MILLION times better than Chloe and Clark!)

4. Martha's present in the finale: OH. MY. GOODNESS!!!!!

5. Clark is *this close* to being the real live Superman (my ALL TIME favorite super hero!)

6. Clark wears glasses yet again...and in that future-y sequence at the beginning...well, I won't spoil it (I loved it though!!!)

7. Lois dresses like...Wonder Woman? (and...there was a comic book convention episode!!!  sweeeet!!!)

8. Wonder Twins!!!  (yay)

Yeah, I think that's it...there are more...but I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't watched it yet *cough* Dad *cough* so that's all I'm gonna say (not even 10...the arbitrary 8 is killing me...but no more!).  It was really really awesome... Season 10 (the very last one too) is going to be EPIC!!!!!!!


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