So I've been in Maine for Christmas break and although I am very grateful to get to be with my family the fact that I'm here means two not so fun things for my blog: First, since we live on an island covered in trees (and currently being hit with the first Nor'easter of the season) there are very few places that can get internet (our neighbor's house is one of them, but shhhh...don't tell anyone that we borrow it from them). And second, pretty much all the shows I watch are off for the holidays. I did finally finish BSG and HIMYM, so that's pretty cool. I've been reacquainted with Firefly, Arrested Development, Lone Gunman, and a few other shows. I've gotten to watch a few of my favorite movies, like Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Blades of Glory, and Speed Racer. And I've gotten to spend time with my three little brothers and my parents, which has been pretty awesome!!!
Well, after I found some internet and got on I looked for something to commemorate a great 2009 and I found an article on the top 10 shows that got cancelled too soon. Of course they mentioned the scare that came with getting Chuck renewed and the disappointment that came with the cancelling of Dollhouse (the first of which I obviously rejoiced greatly for and the second I was cursing FOX along with other Whedonites, so they are big deals, don't get me wrong), but there was one thing really caught my eye, and that was a show that had seriously been one of my favorites: Pushing Daisies!!! The story of Ned, the pie maker that can wake the dead and his dead girlfriend, Chuck, who he can't touch cuz it'd put her right back into the dead "young tourist Charlotte Charles" status from whence she came, and the absolutely adorable Olive Snook, an employee of Ned's who harbors a serious crush on her boss. The characters were absolutely incredible and they had a story line to match. In addition to that it was pretty much Tim Burton on television. Pushing Daisies rocked and it was totally cancelled in it's second season.
**side note** I've had this theory for a while and this show kind of falls in line with it. I believe that shows that started the same season as the strike pretty much don't have a chance in survival...but that's a different story...back to Pushing Daisies. **end side note**
Yeah, I pretty much love that show! I adored Ned and all the flashbacks to the Longborough School for Boys and his sad stories that came with his powers. I loved the Chuck/Vivian/Lily/Chuck's dad relationship. Can't forget Emerson Cod and his search for his daughter and his relationship with the dog trainer lady. And I cannot even begin to tell you how much I adore Kristin Chenoweth...yeah, I love Pushing Daisies...great show!
K, so that's all I have time for, so happy new year, we're done with the naughties and onto the tens! Weirdly awesome!!!